Publishing ethics

In its publication ethics, “Civilization studies review” follows the Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for Journal Editors. Agreeing with these norms is necessary for all parties involved in the publication process.


Authors guarantee that their articles are not being reviewed in a different journal and have not been previously published.

Manuscripts must present original research. In case of borrowing materials from other researchers, a proper reference made in accordance with the journal’s standards is required.

Unauthorized borrowing or reproduction of any elements in the article (text, graphics, primary data etc.) are absolutely unacceptable. Borrowed elements reproduced with the consent of the copyright holders must be presented in an appropriate form and accompanied by a correct reference.

Authors are responsible for the accurate indication of all sources of financial support for the projects, the results of which are presented in the article, and of the persons who have contributed to the research (including co-authors).

Editorial board:

Bears responsibility that all submitted manuscripts are evaluated by their content and its novelty with no regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, citizenship, political views and other personal characteristics of their authors.

that all received manuscripts are treated as documents that contain confidential information. Access to this information is given only to those who are involved in its assessment and preparation for publication. The editors guarantee that the process of reviewing is anonymous.

Bears responsibility for the editorial decisions it makes. Editorial decisions are made only on the basis of the scientific value of a given manuscript, its relevance and quality of exposition.


Reviewers must respect the authors’ copyrights and under no circumstances can use the original materials in their own research, for personal purposes or give access to the content of these materials to any third parties.

The process of reviewing must be completed by the deadlines set by the editorial board of the journal. If reviewing is not possible within the specified time frame, the reviewer must immediately notify the editorial staff about this.

The process of reviewing is done on a voluntary basis.

The only criterion in assessing manuscripts is their scientific value. Any decisions based on the personal preferences of the reviewer are not allowed. In the event of any conflict of interest in any form between the reviewer and the author, the reviewer must immediately notify the editorial staff and refrain from reviewing.

Conflict of interest

The author of a received manuscript has all the rights on its content. No one who has access to the content of a received manuscript can use it for personal goals.

The Editorial Board organizes the reviewing process in a way that excludes any conflict of interest, which can arise from personal preferences, competition, partnership or any other relations between the author and any companies, organizations or individuals involved in the reviewing process.

All the involved persons should avoid any conflicts of interest. Person who is aware of conflict of interest have to contact the Editorial board immediately. This also applies to any violations of ethics.