Peer review process

  1. Manuscripts considered for publication in the journal "Civilization studies review" have to undergo the process of anonymous peer review and approval by the editorial board. Review process is anonymous for the author and the reviewers. 
  2. The author or any of the co-authors cannot be reviewers. Academic supervisors of graduate students or colleagues from the institution where the author is currently employed may not be invited as reviewers. Invited reviewers must inform the editorial board about any potential conflict of interest. 
  3. All reviewers have expertise in areas reflected in the submitted material and have published in the field within the past three years. Reviewers may be selected from among the members of the editorial board and among the experts from various research and higher education institutions across the country. In some cases reviewers may come from outside of the country. If the manuscript is of an interdisciplinary nature the experts from appropriate fields may be invited to take part in the review process. 
  4. Review process is confidential. Reviewers and members of the editorial board must keep all reviewed material confidential. Reviewers and editors must not share materials submitted for review with third parties and use them for their own academic purposes before their official publication and without the author’s agreement.
  5. The review should include an expert analysis of the material, objective and well-supported evaluation and constructive recommendations. The review should be concluded with the final decision concerning the suitability of the manuscript for publication: the manuscript is recommended for publication, the manuscript is recommended for publication following revision; the manuscript is not recommended for publication. 
  6. The whole review process (including the decision about publication) should be finished within 3 months since the date of article registration.
  7. In case of a positive assessment from both reviewers the manuscript must then be approved by the editorial board. Upon acceptance the author(s) will be informed by email, which may include a list of suggested revisions. The editorial board retains the right to reject the manuscript even if a positive assessment was given by both reviewers. The author(s) will be fully informed of the reasons for rejection.
  8. In case of negative assessments from both reviewers the author(s) will be provided with the reasons for rejection. In case of two conflicting reviews the editor-in-chief will make the final decision concerning the manuscript. In case of disagreement between the reviewers the manuscript may be forwarded to a third independent expert. The selection of reviewers can be determined by the editorial board, or by the editor-in-chief, or by a deputy editor.
  9. The editorial board will forward the copies of anonymous reviews to the author upon request.
  10. Reviews will be kept for a period of five years.