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Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Civilization studies review
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Civilization studies review (CivStudies) is an online academic journal established by the Institute of Philosophy RAS in April 2019.

The journal is a multidisciplinary edition and designed for professionals in academic research. CivStudies is committed to significant advances in a wide range of academic issues concerning elaboration of the modern civilization approach methodology, understanding the unicity of the past and present civilizations, its contribution to the formation of the unified panhuman civilization.

The structure of the journal provides the opportunity for publishing original research works and materials for the further professional discussion, e.g. different aspects of Russian civilization project. The journal invites specialists and young researches from all over the world,

2 issues per year.

Lines of research

  • Methodology and paradigm of the civilization approach.
  • Polycentric model of the world as a turning point of the history
  • Variability of the history and the problem of historical choice
  • Comparative analysis of modern global projects
  • Russian civilization as a subject for theoretical analysis: standpoints diversification and unifying principles.
  • Russian civilization as a polysubjective formation
  • Historical tradition and Russian civilization development project
  • External factor in defying Russian strategy for the further development
  • Civilizational security strategy
  • Moral and spiritual basis of Russian civilization
  • Socially natural history of Russian civilization. Natural area as a factor of its historical evolution
  • Historical circumstances, modern condition and future tracks for Russian state.
