System bases for transition from technogenic civilization to socio-humanitarian
technological civilization; socio-humanitarian civilization; post-non-classical scientific rationality; cybernetics of self-developing polysubject environments; third-order cybernetics.Abstract
In recent years, awareness of the limitations of technogenic civilization, focused on the unification of local civilizations, the curtailment of the multicivilizational world, has become increasingly clear. The essence of these restrictions is that it has entered the stage of instability and crisis conditions. When searching for a model of post-technogenic civilization, the focus is on the basic civilizational values. In technogenic civilization, basic values are scientific and technological progress and science, while social values and ethical aspects of the regulation of social processes are practically ignored. The paper provides a philosophical and methodological analysis of the crisis of technogenic civilization and proposes systemic foundations for building a post-technogenic civilization. Philosophical foundations are based on the works of V. S. Stepin and N. N. Moiseev. The crisis of economic determination of development in technogenic civilization and the growth of threats in the evolution of technological order are justified. Socio-humanitarian criteria are proposed for evaluating innovations in technogenic civilization and it is shown that humanity is not ready for an adequate response to innovations in technogenic civilization. The conclusion that subjectlessness development, the diagnosis of the condition of humanity as a technological civilization. As an alternative to technological civilization, a model of socio-humanitarian civilization is proposed. The key problem of overcoming the threats of technological civilization and the transition to socio-humanitarian civilization is the problem of the formation of the subjectivity of human development, the solution of which is associated with two priority tasks. Firstly, on the basis of post-nonclassical scientific rationality, the development of modern models for the organization of control and development of mankind and the mechanisms for introducing these models. Secondly, the formation of a modern culture of international and national security, focused on overcoming the subjectlessness of human development. It is proposed to solve these problems on the basis of post-non-classical cybernetics of self-developing polysubject (reflective-active) environments – third-order cybernetics.