In memory of a Russian scientist (Review of the book “Civilization Path of Russia” by Valery Rastorguev)
Valery Rastorguev, Alexander Panarin, Russia, culture, civilization, civilizational identity, country-civilization, state-civilization.Abstract
The review is devoted to the posthumous publication of the collection of scientific works written by Valery Rastorguev (1949–2021), Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University, in the last years of his life. This publication presents in full the multifaceted scientific work of the scientist. His reflections were devoted to the civilizational development of Russia and the Slavic world, issues of environmental and social policy; his concepts of “smart politics” and culture of forecasting. The focus is on the concept of Russia as a state-civilization, great efforts to develop and promote which were made by Valery Rastorguev.