Contribution in philosophical understanding of historical sense of civilizations made by the researchers of Institute of Philosophy on the edge of XX–XXI centuries
civilizations, civilizational approach, Russian civilizational project, universalism, barbarization, liberal model crisis, West and East.Abstract
The general purpose of this article is to evaluate the contribution made by researchers of Institute of Philosophy in understanding the historical sense of civilizations. The author scrutinizes works of Piama P. Gaidenko, Alexander S. Panarin, Boris A. Grushin, Alexander S. Akhiezer. It is stated that practical outcomes of civilizational development are not obligatory universal and could be expressed through various forms as a response to fundamental existential need of humanity to survive. The equality of civilizations and cultures is assumed as they are based on the structure of the mass consciousness. The possibility of civilization to fall into the phase of destruction is outlined along with the sources of “barbarization”.