Review of the book “Civilization mission of Siberia: from technogenic-consumer to spiritual-ecological strategy of global and regional development: monograph” (group of authors; ed. by A.V. Ivanov). Barnaul: Noviy format, 2022. 368 p.
Russian civilization, Siberia, development strategies, Eurasianism, global and regional, megaprojects, Greater Eurasia, spiritual-ecological civilization, alternative.Abstract
In the review of the collective monograph “The Civilizational Mission of Siberia: from a Technogenic-Consumerist to a Spiritual-Ecological Strategy for Global and Regional Development” (edited by A.A. Ivanov), the main idea of the book was analyzed for its rational justification, the content of the main sections of the book was revealed, and the strengths and weaknesses of the used methodology were considered. This monograph represents a comprehensive scientific study devoted to issues of strategic development of Siberia in the context of the more general problem of global development. The authors proceed from the position of the necessity to replace the globalist model of a technogenic-consumerist civilization with a model of a spiritual-ecological (noospheric) civilization. Such a view is very interesting and allows for unexpected conclusions.